Manage Filter Conditions

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Manage Filter Conditions

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Manage Filter Conditions:

A filter “condition” is a statement that specifies the criteria used to determine whether the data is displayed. They are a picklist of values which can be included as part of a filter criteria. The ManagePro filter criterion is determined by the field, condition and value selected. The condition and value field choices may change based upon the field selection.  For example, when choosing the field “start date”, and the condition “not equal”, the value field will be a date field rather than a picklist as show below.


Below are common “Who” field conditions




Displays records equal to the value selection

Not equal

Displays records not equal to the value selection

Contains the text

Displays records based on the contained text in the value field

List is empty

Displays records where Who field is empty

List is not empty

Displays records where who field is not empty

Lead equal to logged in person

Displays records where the logged in person is the Lead assigned in the Who field. The Lead Person in the Who field is distinguished by an asterisk after their name or initials.

Lead person equals

Displays records where the Lead person is equal to the value selection.

Lead equal to active user

Displays records where the Lead person assigned in the Who field is equal to active user; means enable password in the User Access right-click option found in People and Meetings View is checked.

In user list

Displays records where users in the User Filter dropdown is the value selection