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The ability to view the number of hours a person is assigned to each project, and also the number of hours they have accumulated todate against that project by selecting the person in the user drop down list in the Main Workspace or Gantt Timeline view. Previously, if you selected a team member, it would display all the projects assigned to them, but the hours assigned and hours accumulated todate would reflect a total of everyone assigned to that project. We've now built a calculated field option that allows you to create a new column for those numbers defined by the option "Selected User." It's very helpful if you're charged with doing resource allocation.


Below we'll add Actual Hours Per User.


Navigate to Calculated Fields



Click the Add button to add a new calculated field

Enter a caption name

select Actual Hours from the Field 1 dropdown

Choose Selected Users from the Operator dropdown

Formant your number options. In the example below we used the number and zero decimal places format options.

Click OK




Adding the the Calculated field named Actual Hrs Per user to the view


right-click in the Main Workspace and select View Configuration'



Add the Calculated field named Actual Hrs Per user to the view



Click OK


The Results: The example below shows the Actual Hours for the user "Admin" selected in the drop down.clip0076x clip0077x.