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The Favorites button is available on the ribbon control and allows you to access and navigate quickly to any record in the database once added to your list. Favorites is a quick and easy way to find records in ManagePro and serves a purpose similar to Internet Favorites.  When you add frequently used records to the Favorites list, it eliminates the need to find or search for the record each time there is a need to post a progress update or review related data associated with the record. Instead, just click Favorites and select the record in the list and watch MPro navigate directly to the record regardless of location in the tree.


Here's how:


In the Main Workspace, highlight a record and right-click

Select Favorites|Add to Favorites from the  right-click menu option




Doing so adds the record to your Favorites list





Access Favorites by clicking Favorites on the Ribbon Control and select a record. Doing so immediately navigates to that record (if available within the view currently being used) - or prompts the User to select a different (more all inclusive) view


To Remove an item from your favorites list, first find the record you want in the Main Workspace

Right-click and Select "Favorites", then "Remove from Favorites"





Doing so removes the record from your Favorites list:

