Document Management Mechanics in the Plus vs. Smart Version

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Document Management Mechanics in the Plus vs. Smart Version

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The table below describes the likeness or differences in using the Document Management features in ManagePro Plus and

ManagePro Smart Client versions.


ManagePro Plus version

ManagePro Smart client version

1. When a user attaches a document it is first stored in their local copy of the ManagePro database

1. When a user attaches a document and selects the “Store in SQL” option, the document is automatically uploaded to the ManagePro database on their hosting server

2. Upon attaching the document, the user is prompted to either choose to immediately upload the document to the central ManagePro database on the hosting server, or to do so automatically the next time they synchronize with the central database

2. N/A

3. Other users subsequently view the attached document’s description in the ManagePro Record Details window.  Note that this is a description, not the actual document.

3. The same.

4. When another user clicks on the attached document to “launch” it or make it visible, the document is first downloaded from the central ManagePro database, and upon exiting, a copy of the document is stored in their local database for immediate reference at any future date

4. When a Smart client user launches a document it is also downloaded from the central ManagePro database prior to viewing, but no local copy is saved to the user’s PC.

5. If at some future point, a user clicks on/launches the same document, ManagePro first checks with the central database to verify if the local copy is the most recent version.  If it is, the document is pulled from the local copy of the database, rather than downloading it again from the central database on the server, for speed of access.

5. N/A

6. If a user edits a document retrieved from ManagePro’s document management system and the file is modified and saved, the user is prompted to attach a new version of the document or to update the current version at which time ManagePro will prompt an automatic versioning update and increment the version number by 1 in the system.